Information for Parents
AIS will be regularly checking the weather conditions and will keep parents updated via twitter and our website face book, if schooling or bus routes are disrupted, as there may be possible delays due to the effects of the storm from Sunday night. If this is the case, please be alerted to a possible message early Monday morning.
Please also note that messages are sent only if school or bus routes are disrupted. The school will remain open and classes will continue as usual unless a message is posted to say otherwise. However, parents remain best placed to make decisions whether or not to send their child to school based on localised safety information.
Weather Advice
The weather forecast for the evening and night of Sunday 9 February is for strong winds reaching speeds of up to 130-140 km per hour (gale force) at peak moments. These strong winds are expected to weaken on Monday and Tuesday although conditions are expected to remain stormy. As of Saturday evening, the Dutch authorities are giving a code yellow for Sunday morning changing into a code orange for Sunday night. On Sunday people are advised that they should not go out if they do not need to.
On Monday and Tuesday, the chance of strong gusty winds will continue (up to 80 km per hour / stormy weather), however the code is green.
AIS Directorate