Dear All,
The saying that “time flies when you are having fun” is certainly true at AFNORTH as the first quarter of the year has flown by! As we approach Fall Break (17-21 October), I am reminded what a wonderful opportunity this is to enjoy the lovely fall weather and the opportunity to travel. Whether it is near or far, there is always something to discover and enjoy. Please remember to stay safe and healthy so that you can come back refreshed to continue the fun of learning at our school.
COVID is still with us and the same protocols that we have followed in the past remain in place. We ask that you keep national sections informed of any situation where your child/family are a suspect/contact case for COVID-19. All information is held sensitively and protected. Self-tests are still available in the national section or the business office. In case of a positive COVID situation, the affected person needs to stay at home for 5 days until symptom free. As per normal, if your child is not feeling well or is sick, please have your child remain at home until they are healthy to come to school.
For updates on what is going on in our school, please keep referring to our website for information. Are you familiar with our Emergency Notification System (ENS)? Check it out and sign up now at the parent portal.
Thank you for being in our school family. Enjoy the break and we look forward to your return on Monday, 24 October!