Dear All,
With the winter weather upon us and a change in the temperatures, we have noticed youngsters arriving or leaving school without the proper gear for colder weather. Most of the jackets are in the backpacks! Please remind your child(ren) to wear their jackets, especially on wet, cold days.

Please note the updated dress code that is on the website can be found in both the parent and student portals. AIS asks for your support by making certain that your child(ren) come to school appropriately dressed for the weather and in accordance with the AIS dress code.

The traffic situation outside the school gate continues to present challenges. Please adhere to the parking rules being ever watchful for excited students leaving the school grounds. A friendly reminder that bus service is available as well, so there is no need to drive students daily to school.

Practice evacuation
On December 13, 2022, at 0915, AIS will conduct a required practice evacuation from the school to the JFC HQ. It will take a good part of the morning but we will be back to school before lunchtime. Please make certain your child(ren) are dressed warmly!
Thank you for partnering with AIS to make our school a safe, healthy place for learning!
Dr. Judy Allen

Image by Gerhard from Pixabay

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