Whether you are new to the school or returning, it is with pleasure that I welcome you to an exciting adventure as we embark on a new year! I hope you had a fun, relaxing summer no matter where, or what! For many, it was a time to rejuvenate, relax, and reconnect with family and friends.
I was fortunate to do so and a theme I kept hearing throughout, be it on social media, news broadcasts or current events —we are BETTER TOGETHER— be it global, national, state, community, or family.
Whenever I heard that phrase, AFNORTH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (AIS) would come to mind. We are better together! We bring something unique to our school no matter where we come from. Students, parents, teachers, support staff, and directorate, from all corners of the world come together at the end of summer to begin a new school year full of hope and promise at AIS.
I welcome each of you (student, parent, teacher, support staff, directorate) to be a part of our “Better Together” year by making AIS your home away from home and part of your family. I look forward to seeing you at school or on campus as we work together for the success of our students. Do stop by and say hello!
Judith J Allen
Image by colorfuelstudio/Envato Elements