We believe that all children are entitled to an education rich in wonder and full of memorable experiences; one that allows their creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of knowledge and skills.
Our goal is for our children to flourish and grow to become ambitious, capable citizens with a life-long love of learning and strong self-belief, giving them the tools to become global citizens in an ever-changing world.
We want our children to learn and remember and have designed the curriculum to be cumulative, constructing firm foundations to build conceptual understandings and skills over time and fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum,
We understand the importance of being globally aware, reflecting on our actions and how they impact the world around us. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are incorporated across the curriculum, helping drive and shape our curriculum themes and activities and prepare the children to be effective global citizens.
Know more, remember more and be able to do more for the benefit of humanity and the planet.
Know that everyone’s human rights should be protected and respected.
Look at things in different ways and find solutions when faced with a challenge
Learn from the past in order to protect our planet now and in the future
Know that greater change can happen when we work together.
Promote the careful use of resources so that they are available in the future.
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