Benefiting from an inspiring and purpose-built environment in South Limburg, Netherlands, AFNORTH is a well-established and highly successful school. Students and their families gain not only access to their own national system but are able to flourish from learning in a unique international community.
In this rapidly changing and demanding world, we set out to prepare our students not only for their next stage of education, but for the world they will be part of as they grow up. To this end we believe that we need to instill sound values and deep learning competencies alongside the ability to make clear judgements. Looking through our web site, we hope that you gain a sense of the care and compassion that underpins learning and success in all domains at AFNORTH.
We really do believe that every student deserves to learn in an inclusive, international environment that embraces ‘diversity, respect, trust and integrity’. Our students are inspired and encouraged by experienced teachers from around the globe who guide and support them in small learning groups, enabling each individual to develop their unique strengths and talents.
We hope you enjoy discovering AFNORTH through this website, but this really is no substitute for coming to see us and experiencing the school in action. We look forward to welcoming you and introducing you to the staff and especially, to the students who will give you a genuinely warm welcome and most convincing recommendation of all – their own.
Dr. Judith Allen
Mr Rob Bindels
Assistant Director