AFNORTH International School is continuously monitoring the developments regarding the Coronavirus situation. The Directorate and the Management Team is meeting every morning and important knowledge is shared with our school community via updates on our website. We refer you to previous updates for general hygiene routines and protocols to follow.
AIS is following the advice of the Dutch National Health Authorities (the GGD is also in contact with their German colleagues).
This morning we have been informed that the Dutch National Health Authorities approach is as follows:
- If you have travelled from a so called transmission zone (China, South Korea, Singapore, Iran and Northern Italy (all provinces above Tuscany), and you develop respiratory complaints (without a fever) within two weeks after leaving the transmission zone you are advised to stay home until you feel better. If the previous health complaint is in combination with a fever you need to contact your GP or the GGD (088-8805070/ 088-8805000)
- If you come from a transmission zone and have no complaints after 14 days following your return, you no longer have a risk of Corona.
- Individuals/Families who live in the Netherlands and have visited for an extensive period (longer than 2 hours) the Gangelt area and have been in a closed space with extended contact with locals, and who develop fever, coughing/sneezing and respiratory problems, please stay home and contact your GP/GGD.
- People living on the German side of the border need to follow German guidelines.
- People on either side of the border who have been in close contact with a person identified as carrier of the Coronavirus AND who start to develop the complaints need to contact the local authorities.
- Please inform the school via your National Section if you have recently visited a transmission zone as listed above.
- If you have and you are showing symptoms described previously, please first consult a GP/GGD before sending your children to school.
- While not showing symptoms, please remain alert and act as previously described when symptoms may appear. After 14 days we are informed that there is no more risk.
At the moment AIS runs a normal operation. All buses are running as normal. Reminders of hygienic handlings such as washing hands, sneezing/coughing into the arm are published throughout the building. The cleaning activities have been adjusted to the situation and extra measures have been taken.
When developing symptoms while at school, AIS will always contact the National Health Authorities (the GGD).
- Germany have not identified transmission zones.
- In the Gangelt Area, people have been asked by the authorities to self-quarantine after they have been identified in what is described as a ‘contact investigation’ of the people identified as a carrier.
- If you have not been asked by the authorities to self-quarantine, nor have you have been informed that you are someone who has been in contact with another person who has been identified as a carrier, there is no need for further actions.
Please continue to follow our website and twitter messages.
AIS Directorate