Update 3: SY2020/2021 Information for Parents, Students and Community

Thank you for your continued vigilance in the pre-checks you conduct at home daily and for keeping your child/children/family at home if they (or you) are showing any signs of feeling unwell. Our data is showing that this action is helping us to coordinate our measures in keeping COVID 19 out of school.
  • We ask that you keep national sections informed of any situation that arises where your child/family is a suspect/contact case for COVID 19 as it is critical information for contact tracing and tracking. All information is held sensitively and protected.
  • We continue to be in daily contact with the COVID Response Cell at JFC HQ so that we can coordinate a joined up response. This week we have held meetings with the Board of Governors, with JFC HQ military representatives and Canadian Forces and they have all confirmed the following position:

To remind all parents that if their child is showing COVID19 symptoms, they are considered a SUSPECT case and all people in their household are CONTACT cases automatically until the situation with the symptomatic person has been cleared. This means, the parents are not allowed to come to work as well. We were also asked to remind everyone about the flu season coming up and you are encouraged to seek advice early about the flu vaccination.

  • We continue to adapt and modify as we conduct continuous risk assessments in response to the context and to feedback. This week we have added Annex A.2 – A health screening flow chart to visually support Annex A and F. We have updated AIS protocol for monitoring a temperature/fever to 38 degrees centigrade (100.4 F) or above.
  • Next week, we will provide further guidance as we approach the October break. In the meantime if you have any queries regarding the upcoming vacation period please contact your national section.
  • All our protocols can be found on the Parent Portal on our website.
The main message from AIS is:
  • To keep children at home if feeling unwell or if anyone within the home is displaying COVID 19 symptoms; Siblings also need to stay home until the situation with the symptomatic person has been cleared.
  • To not forget / wear a mask.
  • To wash/sanitise hands frequently.
  • See Annex A, D and F on the Parent Portal on the AIS website.

How can parents help?

Not forget to do the health pre-screen check before setting out from home noting that students remain at home if feeling unwell or the temperature is 38 degrees centigrade (100.4 F) or above.

Keep reminding your child:

  • to keep a distance of 1.5 m when moving around in a public space on school campus;
  • Wash hands frequently
  • Wear a mask when moving around the building/moving between classes and on transportation
  • Help your child to understand the importance of their actions for the safety of all – not just themselves but for their teachers and for family at home.

Emergency Notification System

We encourage all our families to subscribe to our Emergency Notification System. This system ensures we are able to contact you immediately in case of severe emergencies or in case we have to send important and urgent messages to you. To sign up parents can use the Parent Portal – ENS on the AIS website.

Thank you for working in partnership with us so positively during this time. We close, with a friendly reminder to maintain the current restrictions in place and keep well and safe.

Reminder: Wednesday 16 September is an International Early Release Day @ 1400 hrs. for all AIS students. Normal Day Bus Pass applies.

AIS Directorate

See also: 

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