Read our Tweets:
Welcome to the British Section website which we hope will give you a flavour of the life and work of the school while keeping you up to date with what is happening.
At AFNORTH we all share the responsibility for the development and happiness of our pupils and value greatly the contribution each child brings to our unique community. We want every child to be ready for all the challenges and opportunities their futures will hold and to develop a love of learning and a heartfelt belief that they can achieve their goals.
Our broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum offers rich opportunities and challenges which encourages and enables the children to give of their best and we are justly proud of their results and achievements. Our staff and governors work together to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment in which children thrive. Our very dedicated parent community work tirelessly for the school providing a range of resources and activities for all our children.
This site will provide you with information about the school, but cannot replace the value of “face to face” contact. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.
Sheena Macleod
Headteacher, British Section
Learning takes place everywhere….inside, outside and online
Admission to the British Section – AFNORTH School for August 2024
Educational Supportability Assessments.
Wherever possible, parents should apply for an Assessment of Supportability within the
School admissions process 6 months prior to their assignment date. Where this is not
possible, all applications for assessments of support must be received by midnight on Friday,
24 May 2024 to allow time for the assessments to be processed. If an application is received
after this date, it may not be processed before AFNORTH School closure for the summer
break on June 21st 2024, potentially leading to a delay in a posting.
Please also be aware that if additional, essential information is required from a child’s current
school in order to progress the assessment and this is unavailable due to school closure
during the summer period, supportability will not be able to be confirmed until this information
is received. In some circumstances, and where required, local command will be unable to
convene MASO panel meetings to confirm supportability during the Summer staff stand-down
period. In this situation, the assessment will be paused and recommenced at the start of the
next academic year (2024-2025).
Read our Tweets: