From the Director Dear AIS Families and Staff,Welcome to the start of a new year at AIS as well as the beginning of the second half of the school year. Where did the time go? I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday and that Santa treated you well! It’s time to start on those New...Read More
Interieurverzorger (M/V) voor de avonduren.Dagelijks van 17.30 uur tot 20.30 uur/ 15 uur per week. Interesse? Neem contact op:Dhr. Bindels 06-51949869Read More
Upon leaving AISTo recover the positive balance from your child(ren)’s lunch card(s) please notify Sodexo at to make an appointment to close your Sodexo AIS lunch account and receive the remaining positive balance on the lunch account with the Sodexo Manager at the school Cafeteria. Please allow at least 24-hour notice to set an appointment...Read More
Students want to shout out to the world what they have learned and achieved. AIS students presented Culture Day with King Sized presentations on two floors at AIS. The scream has been heard all the way to …… Powered By EmbedPress Congratulations Students and Staff!!!!!Read More
Last Tuesday, 23 April AFNORTH Elementary School had its annual Culture Day. Students prepared stands which represented different countries of the world. Different countries have different cultures and food, which students could experience and taste. AFNORTH has many different nationalities, and many parents volunteered to help out at their country stand. A huge thank you...Read More
The Defense Department celebrates military children during the month of April. There are more than 1.6 million military children who face many challenges and unique experiences as a result of their parents’ service.(from: U.S. Department of Defense) April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to recognise and celebrate the important role Service children have...Read More
Today 16 April 2024, Marianne Scholz retired from AFNORTH International School. After 34 years loyal services, Marianne will enjoy riding her bicycle and daytrips and many other enjoyable things in life. Marianne started in 1990 when the school name was still AFCENT and the building was just “flat”. She made a difference in the school...Read More
I M P O R T A N T Dear Parents Please be informed that starting 19 February, parents/adults will only have access to the school grounds with an appointment through the national section, between 09.00 hours and 15.30 hours. After or before these indicated times parents/adults must be able to show a valid ID...Read More
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