School general


International Student Awards Ceremony
An evening that celebrates AIS Values, and embraces diversity, trust, and integrity.  Every year in June AFNORTH International School celebrates the outstanding achievements of a number of its students. The evening is complemented by powerful musical performances by students from AFNORTH and is followed by a reception after the official program. This article will be continued….
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Spring flowers
Dear Parents, As we find the winter months behind us (hopefully) and the wonderful advent of Spring upon us, we find Spring Break is just around the corner! The year is flying by quickly and we have had lots of activities that show how talented our students are! The high school showcases are running out...
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The AFJROTC Corps underwent a Headquarters inspection just before the Spring Break and did exceptionally well. The cadets reviewed all the instruction to ensure compliance, prepared a mission briefing, practiced their drill and ceremonies, and ran comprehensive checklists to ensure complete success. The Corps was ready…and the inspector found no discrepancies or procedural “findings”. This...
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AIS Dicussion & Debate Team, March 2023
On Friday 10. March, members of the AFNORTH International School Discussion & Debate team travelled to Madrid, Spain, to attend the four day conference, Harvard Model Congress Europe. This was the first version of this conference in post covid times. The team consisted of nine AIS students and one student from Gymnasium Neue Oberschule Braunschweig....
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On Saturday, 25 February, five students from the AIS Robotics Team competed in the 2023 DoDEA Europe FTC First Power Play Invitational.  Thirty-three teams from three countries met to compete at Kaiserslautern High School, Germany.  AIS won 4 of their 5 matches and took home the Innovate Award for their unique and innovative robot.  Innovate...
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Click –>here <– for some pictures at the Christmas Luncheon 2022
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Dear All, With the winter weather upon us and a change in the temperatures, we have noticed youngsters arriving or leaving school without the proper gear for colder weather. Most of the jackets are in the backpacks! Please remind your child(ren) to wear their jackets, especially on wet, cold days. Please note the updated dress...
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Flags school SY2021/22
Dear All, The saying that “time flies when you are having fun” is certainly true at AFNORTH as the first quarter of the year has flown by! As we approach Fall Break (17-21 October), I am reminded what a wonderful opportunity this is to enjoy the lovely fall weather and the opportunity to travel. Whether...
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We have good news……..the AFNORTH Christmas & Thanksgiving Fayre is back this year!! 26 NOVEMBER 2022 Please feel free to spread the word as much as you can about this wonderful event.  Stall Holders wanted for the AFNORTH International School Christmas and Thanksgiving Fayre.
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