Update 10: SY 2020/2021 Information for Parents, Students and Community

The AFNORTH International School would like to share the following information with you following the announcement of the Dutch Government latest COVID-19 Restrictions on Sunday 17 January 2021.

Please be aware the NL Government has decided that a possible earlier opening for the Elementary schools and Day Care Centers in the Netherlands will not be implemented. The risks and uncertainties regarding the new variants of the Covid-19, the spreading patterns and possible impact have been mentioned as the reasoning behind the decision. This means that all schools will remain closed at least until the end of the current lockdown. Please also be aware that the NL Government is seriously considering implementing a curfew. Such a drastic measure will be announced through an official press conference.

For AIS, this means we will remain closed until 7 February, with a potential reopening for face-to-face learning beginning on Monday 8 February. This lockdown applies to all school levels. However, the next press conference regarding the extension or not of the lockdown is expected on Tuesday 26 January. We will update on this position when further information is available.

Your national section will keep you informed during the online learning activities.

As a friendly reminder, the following remains the main priority to guide our behaviours:

  1. Limit social contacts and adhere to social distance restrictions
  2. Stay at home as much as possible.
  3. Do not travel when not necessary; this also includes within the NL. Travelling in from outside the EU one needs to have and present proof of a negative test. No unnecessary trips abroad at least until Mid-March 2021. 
  4. Strict advice to work from home. 


Testing: In case you develop symptoms of COVID 19 you should make an appointment to be tested via the number available: GGD 0800-1202.

The following links provide the most up to date information available from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM):

Common symptoms of COVID-19 are:

  • Cold symptoms such as a nasal cold, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Elevated temperature or a fever
  • Sudden loss of taste and smell (without nasal congestion)

The Directorate will announce any new information relating to the whole school’s operation through our website and social media (Facebook and Twitter) messages.

Keep well and safe,

AIS Directorate.

See also:

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