As we move into the December holiday, we hope you and your families remain safe and well and, despite restrictions, will be able to enjoy some quality family time together.
Following the Dutch Government’s announcement on Tuesday 14 December 2021, the current measures will continue at least until Friday 14 January 2022. The government reminds citizens that people should avoid large gatherings, stay home, limit contacts and adhere to the 1.5 metres distance. Further information is accessed:
We want to thank all our students, parents, and staff for maintaining AIS protocols, helping AIS to keep classes open for face-to-face learning. Pre-screening measures before coming to school, the self-testing routines, and good levels of hygiene and mask-wearing have kept transmission rates low and manageable. We will need to continue this practice in January and for the foreseeable future.
We advise our families to remain cautious over the break. As a precaution and for your convenience, we have sent home a Covid self-test with your child, which you may or may not choose to use on their return to school in January. As partners working together, we can manage the risk of transmission and catch any potential infection early, particularly important following a holiday break and recognising the current host nation situation.
Preparation for the return to school in January 2022:
- AIS will open for students on Tuesday, 4 January. All AIS current protocols will remain in place and can be found on the AIS website
- Contact your national office if you require the password.
- Conduct the pre-screening routines (test for temperature and fever) before coming to school and remind your child/ren of the importance of social distancing, mask-wearing inside the building, and washing their hands regularly.
- If your child develops any symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home. Contact your medical providers/GGD immediately (GGD: +31-88-8805005 from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm) for further advice.
- To keep in touch with your national section should your family be directly affected by the Coronavirus, and help us maintain accurate records.
- The following link provides the most up to date information available from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM):
We hope you and your families have a happy holiday and a peaceful and safe New Year. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday, 4th January 2022.
AIS Directorate
See also: