Update 5: Information for Parents, Students and Community

Flags school SY2021/22
AFNORTH International School would like to share the following information with you regarding the announcement of the Dutch Government’s latest COVID-19 Restrictions on Friday, 17 December 2021.

The Netherlands has moved into a national lockdown from Sunday, 19 December to Friday, 14 January 2022. All schools in the Netherlands closed immediately. The main aim of the Government’s message is limiting the contact between people and limiting unnecessary travelling. Personal behaviour remains crucial.

The AIS Board of Governors will comply with the Host Nation’s lockdown restrictions and will move to virtual learning from Tuesday, 4 January, until Friday, 7 January. The Dutch Government will be reconvening on Monday, 3 January 2022, regarding a decision to return or to remain in lockdown after Monday, 10 January. Depending on this outcome, the Board of Governors will announce the way forward for AIS from 10 January 2022.

Each national section will contact parents with further details for online learning from Tuesday, 4 January to initially Friday, 7 January 2022 in due course.

We very much wish you and your families continued good health and hope you have a well-deserved rest over Christmas and New Year.

AIS Directorate

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