Update 7: Positive COVID-19 Case Notification System

Flags school SY2021/22
Dear AFNORTH Parents, Students and Community,
The Dutch requirements for testing, contact tracing and self-isolation have recently been updated.

Actions to be followed will depend on the GGD/Public Health assessment based on your health situation. They are also dependent on your country of residence. Our COVID-19 flow chart has been updated in response to the Dutch requirement changes and can be found on the parent portal.

We have seen a rise in COVID-19 cases. At this moment, we have been notified of fourteen positive COVID-19 cases spread across the school. Thank you for your continued efforts in pre-screening for symptoms before setting out on your journey to school. We want to remind you, although not a requirement, AIS offers a self-test on request. If anyone develops signs or symptoms of COVID-19, they should stay home and contact the GGD or healthcare provider. If a member of your family tests positive for COVID-19, please notify your national section and follow the healthcare instructions for testing and self-isolation.

Regarding school-wide notification practices, your national section will continue to inform you directly should they receive a notification of a positive COVID-19, and they will continue to alert you to any possible close contact assessment. The bus office will notify you if bus travel is involved in the assessment. A school-wide overview of positive cases can be accessed on the parent portal. This notification will replace individual letters. It will be updated every week. If you have any queries, please contact your national office.

The health and safety of our students, staff and community remain our top priority. Thank you for your continued support and vigilance.

AIS Directorate

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